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Batfink Real Name: Batfink Identity/Class: Bat mutant Occupation: Superhero Affiliations: Karate Enemies: Hugo a Go Go, Fatman, Myron the Magician, Ebenezer The Freezer, The Sonic Boomer, Mr.Flick Known Relatives: Unidentified mother Aliases: None known Base of Operations: Unknown First Appearance: Batfink Powers/Abilities: As well as being superstrong and having a variety of gadgets at his disposal, Batfink's most memorable ability resided on his back. As he was extremely fond of reminding viewers, his "wings are like a shield of steel!", capable of deflecting bullets and other projectiles. History: Born in an abandoned plutonium mine, Batfink was a mutant with human level intelligence and superhuman abilities. When he was a child criminals blew up the mine, and Batfink lost his wings rescuing his mother. Driven by this episode to fight crime, he replaced his wings with metal ones made by a Japanese blacksmith, then took the blacksmith's son as his sidekick Karate, and became a crimefighter, most frequently thwarting the evil machinations of mad scientist Hugo a Go Go. Comments: There were 100 five minute long episodes of Batfink's adventures produced: 1. Pink Pearl Of Persia 2. The Short Circuit Case 3. Skinny Minnie 4. Fatman Strikes Again 5. The Kitchy-Koo Kaper 6. The Dirty Sinker 7. Brother Goose 8. The Chocolate Covered Diamond 9. Myron The Magician 10. Ebenezer The Freezer 11. The Sonic Boomer 12. Big Ears Ernie 13. Batfink On The Rocks 14. Manhole Manny 15. The Mad Movie Maker 16. Nuts Of The Round Table 17. M P F T B R M 18. Go Fly A Bat 19. A Living Doll 20. Brain Washday 21. Spin The Batfink 22. Crime College 23. Ringading Brothers 24. Goo-Goo A Go-Go 25. Gluey Louie 26. Gloves On The Go Go 27. Out Out Darn Spot 28. Sporty Morty 29. Bat Patrol 30. The Mark Of Zero 31. Dig That Crazy Mountain 32. Greasy Gus 33. The Indian Taker 34. Stupidman 35. Jumping Jewelry 36. Goldstinger 37. Crimes In Rhymes 38. Karate's Case 39. The Beep Bopper 40. Swami Salami 41. Hugo For Mayor 42. The Shady Shadow 43. The Human Pretzel 44. Roz The Schnozz 45. Topsy Turvy 46. The Wishbone Boner 47. Bride And Doom 48. The Kangarobot 49. The Super Trap 50. Beanstalk Jack 51. Robber Hood 52. Party Marty 53. The Kooky Chameleon 54. The Time Stopper 55. The Devilish Device 56. Gypsy James 57. Queenie Bee 58. Slow Down! Speed Up! 59. Hugo's Hoke 60. Backwards Box 61. The Rotten Rainmaker 62. Presto-Chango-Hugo 63. Double Double Crossers 64. Yo Yo A Go Go 65. The Great Escapo 66. Napoleon Blownapart 67. Sandman Sam 68. Daniel Boom 69. Hugo The Crimefighter 70. The Thief From Baghdad 71. Unhappy Birthday 72. Bouncey Bouncey Batfink 73. Curly The Cannonball 74. Watch My Smoke 75. The Copycat Bat 76. The Mean Green Midget 77. The Atom Boom 78. The Trojan Horse Thief 79. Magneto The Magnificent 80. Buster The Ruster 81. Goldyunlocks And The Three Baers 82. Cinderobber 83. The Bomber Bird 84. Blankenstein 85. The Baffling Bluffs Of Hugo A Go-Go 86. Hugo Here, Hugo There 87. Fleiderfink 88. The Zap Sap 89. Old King Cruel 90. Ego A-Go-Go 91. Karate's Day Off 92. Victor The Predictor 93. Jerkules 94. Mike The Mimic 95. Whip Van Winkle 96. Judy Jitsu 97. Batfink - This Is Your Life 98. Bowl Brummel 99. Tough Macduff 100. Father Time Bomb Ralph Bakshi's Mighty Mouse: The New Adventures featured a tribute of sorts to Batfink, when they introduced a similar character, BatBat. The voice of Batfink was provided by Frank Buxton, and Karate was voiced by Len Maxwell. Karate Real Name: Unknown Identity/Class: Normal human Occupation: Chauffeur, sidekick Affiliations: Batfink Enemies: Hugo a Go Go Known Relatives: Unidentified father Aliases: None Base of Operations: Unknown First Appearance: Batfink Powers/Abilities: Extremely skilled martial artist, capable to destroying doors with a single karate chop. History: The son of the blacksmith who made Batfink's metal wings, Karate is Batfink's close friend and ally. Comments: Voiced by Len Maxwell. CLARIFICATIONS: None. Any Additions/Corrections? Please let me know. Back to US Independents Page Home All images and characters depicted on this site are copyright their respective holders, and are used for informational purposes only. No infringement is intended and copyrights remain at source.
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Nome real: Batfink

Identidade / Classe: morcego mutante

Profissão: super-herói

Filiações: Karate

Inimigos: Hugo a Go Go, Fatman, Myron o Mago, Ebenezer freezer, o Sonic Boom, Mr.Flick

Parentes conhecidos: Mãe não identificado

Aliados: Nenhuma conhecida

Base de Operações: Desconhecido

Primeira aparição: Batfink

Poderes / Habilidades: Além de ser super forte e com uma variedade de aparelhos à sua disposição, habilidade mais memoráveis Batfink residia nas costas. Como ele gostava muito de lembrar os espectadores, o seu "asas são como um escudo de aço!", Capaz de desviar projéteis e outros projéteis.

História: Nascido em uma mina abandonada plutónio, Batfink era um mutante com a inteligência de nível humano e habilidades sobre-humanas. Quando ele era criança, os criminosos explodiram o meu, e Batfink perdeu suas asas resgatar sua mãe. Impulsionada por esse episódio para combater o crime, ele substituiu suas asas com as de metal feita por um ferreiro japonês, em seguida, levou o filho do ferreiro como seu ajudante Karatê, e se tornou um crimefighter, mais frequentemente frustrar as maquinações do mal de cientista louco Hugo a Go Go.

Comentários: Foram estudados 100 episódios de cinco minutos longo de aventuras Batfink é produzido: