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"Britney Spears" Audio Calling Lawyer For Help "Dad Threatened Me to Take Away My Sons"

Britney Spears and  father Jamie Spears picture
Britney Spears and father Jamie Spears picture via Youtube.com

Britney Spears reportedly sent a voice message to a lawyer in January, asking for help to contest her father Jamie Spears. According to a audio leaked on jfxonline, the alleged Britney Spears said dad Jamie was controlling her during the process of eliminating the conservatorship. She said Jamie had threatened her several times through taking two sons away.

"May or May not" Britney Spears Calls For Help Audio

Here is the transcript of what the alleged Britney Spears said on the audio.

Hi My name’s Britney Spears. I called you earlier. I’m calling again because I just wanted to make sure that during the process of eliminating the conservatorship that my father has threatened me several times, that you know, he’ll take my children away. I just want to be guaranteed that everything will be fine with the process and that you guys are taking care of everything. that things will stay the same as far as my custodial time. That’s it, bye.

I’m not sure if it’s real Britney or not, because you know, voices sound different on phone. How do you think???