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Lindsay Lohan Lent $115,000 Maserati Car from Dennis DeSantis

Lindsay Lohan
Lindsay Lohan Photo(Hot Rod Homage/Flickr, CC-By License)

Lindsay Lohan Maserati pic
Lindsay Lohan Maserati

Lindsay Lohan was recently screw up by the tabloids for her over spending habits. A money-draining Lohan was alleged of using girlfriend Samantha Ronson's money to buy a US$30000 Rolex watch and a new Maserati valued at $115,000. Now words from TMZ sez that Lilo’s luxury car which was already been scratched was not bought but loaded from Dennis DeSantis, the producer who's produced hit erotic movies like Origami So Horny and Butt Sluts.

Dennis DeSantis Lindsay Lohan Maserati Car owner
Dennis DeSantis

No word on why Dennis lent LiLo the car -- but we're told there's no XXX catch to drive the ride. And as for the damage Lindsay's assistant caused to the whip, we're told Double D isn't even sweating it and will let Linz drive the car after it's been repaired -- an estimated $10,000 job.

Wow! Lindsay Lohan must have cherished Dennis DeSantis’s kind offer so much because there is someone still treat her like a friend. Lilo nowadays was a subject who was almost only negative news gossips worthy. Her acting career hit a new low for new film Labor Pains is to premiere on ABC Family in July and then directly go straingt to the DVD release.