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Sakhan Dosova (Picture) Is World’s Oldest Living person (130 Years Old) from Kazakhstan?

World's Oldest Person Kazakh woman Sakhan Dosova pic

Thanks to a recent census, Kazakh demographers found a great grandmother who is probably the world’s oldest living person.

She is Sakhan Dosova, photo above, from Karaganda in northern Kazakhstan, Dailymail reported.

Sakhan Dosova is said to be 27 March 1879, two weeks after Nobel-winning German-American genius/physicist Albert Einstein was born on March 14 the same year.

Dosova’s birth date translates her age to be 130 years old on March 27, 2009. However, Kazakh officials are a bit more cautious, they are now making more checks to be ascertain the accuracy of Sakhan Dosova’s age.

'We can see that this is turning into a big story and for the sake of our country, we need to be sure her claim is correct,' said one official.

According to one version of her life, she must have given birth to several children over the age of 60, he said.

'There is no doubt she is very old. But is she really 130? Or was there a white lie long ago which was never corrected? We need to find out.'

In January, also in a census, Uzbekistan found Tuti Yusupowa, a super centenarian who reportedly was born on July 1, 1880, and claimed she was the world’s oldest person.

Tuti Yusupowa Tuti Yusupowa, Uzbekistan said January she is the oldest people in the world

Yet, the current world’s living oldest person recognized by Guiness World Records is Gertrude Baines, born on April 6, 1894. The 115-year-old African American lives lives at the Western Convalescent Home in Jefferson Park, Los Angeles. In 2008 General Election, grandma Baines voted for President Barack Obama.

Gertrude Baines, the current world’s oldest living person recognized by Guiness World Records Grandma Gertrude Baines, Guiness World Records recognized world oldest living person (Picture via Elderly Space)