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Ashton Kutcher Twitters Photo of Demi Moore In Bikini Steaming Suit

Ashton Kutcher Twitter, Demi Moore Bikini Photos

Photo! Here is the picture of Demi Moore in white bikini Ashton Kutcher twittered online. Apparently, the naughty 31-year-old That 70’s Show star photographed his 46-year-old wife when she was bending over steaming his suit in the bathroom.

watching my wife steam my suit while wearing a bikini. I love God!
9:43 AM Mar 21st

I'm not wearing the bikini she is that's what makes it so glorious
9:46 AM Mar 21st

shhh don't tell wifey http://twitpic.com/2bj58
10:11 AM Mar 21st

Responding on her own twitter page, Demi Moore, the Charlie’s Angels star, said her young husband Ashton Kutcher “is such a sneak.” Possibly after posting these tweets, the affectionate couple went to attend Moore’s ex husband Bruce Willis’s wedding with Emma Hemming in Caribbean’s Turks & Caicos Islands that day.

Ashton Kutcher
Ashton Kutcher as Aplusk at Twitter