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Jennifer Aniston Bond Girl Screen Test Offer

Jennifer Aniston
Jennifer Aniston picture via Photobucket.com

Jennifer Aniston is the future Bond girl? The 40-year-old Friends star has been reportedly offered a screen test for a role in the next Bond movie.

"Jennifer has all the qualities we are looking for in a Bond girl. She has to be beautiful but she also needs to have brains,” according to a source at EON productions behind the James Bond films. "It helps if she's athletic and able to keep up with intense stunt work a Bond movie demands. It is likely she'll be called in to meet producers Barbara Broccoli and Michael G. Wilson soon."

As RC posted earlier, Slumdog Millionaire beauty Freida Pinto was also invited to a screen test for the role of Bond girl in the the next 007 adventure.

Aniston or Pinto, who will you prefer to be next Bond Girl?