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Video: Jenna Bush Calls Father President Bush on Ellen Degeneres Show

Jena Bush Calling her parents on Ellen Degeneres Show video

During the appearance on Ellen Degeneres show December 5, Jena Bush, one-half of President Bush's twins, made a live call (not planned first) on Ellen's request to The President of the United States and the First Lady Laura Bush who were then at the White House. Awesome! Below are the scripts (via Suntimes.com)

Ellen: Now, is it easy, like if you just feel like calling him at
anytime do they go, oh, like he's in a meeting?

Jenna: I usually call him in the evening or in the morning when I know
they'll both be at home.

Ellen: Right. Because if I call my agent and my manager and they're
like, oh, they're in a meeting, when they're not…

Audience laughs

Ellen: Could you just pick up the phone like right now and call him?
Jenna: Sure. He's going to kill me though.

Ellen: Just say hi.

Jenna: You think I'm allowed to do this?

Ellen: Why not? You're his daughter.

Ellen: I could just call the White House Main Line.

Jenna: What time is it there? They're definitely asleep. What time is it there?

Ellen: No its only 4:30 right now so it's like 7:30….

Jenna: They may be in a holiday reception right now but I'll try to
call my mom's line.

Jenna: I'm going to get in trouble!

Ellen: Here, see if you have a dial tone. Hit 9.

Jenna: You're not recording the number or anything?

Ellen: No no no…I'm covering the number. Nobody's even looking. I'm
not looking. I don't want to get in trouble. I just want to say
hi…I'll call your grandfather if he doesn't answer.

Jenna: We'll try it. I'm not going to get anything I asked for Christmas.

Jenna: This is Lindsey. Hi Lindsey, I'm on the Ellen show. Are my parents there? I'm on the Ellen show… she's going to kill me.

Ellen: Hey Lindsey, how are you doing?

Lindsey: Hi! I think she might be on your dad's line. But I'll transfer you.

Jenna: Okay.

Ellen: Well, I've already talked to her..let me talk to the dad.

Jenna: They're going to kill me, I'm going to be in so much trouble..

Ellen: No, they're going to be thrilled. Why wouldn't they want to
say, "Hi" to everybody, and say "Merry Christmas?”

Jenna: They may have wanted some warning.

Ellen: We're not barging in while they’re in their pajamas or something.

Jenna: Hi Mom? I hope so. It's like a phone call straight to live television.

Ellen: It's just a hello.

First Lady Laura Bush: Hey Jenna.

Jenna: Hi Mom.

First Lady Laura Bush: Hey I'm not watching you because you're taping right now.

Jenna: What are you doing, then?

First Lady Laura Bush: I'm just sitting here with Daddy.

Ellen: Oh hey! It's Ellen. I wanted to say hi to Daddy.

Audience cheers.

Jenna: Dad, Mom…

First Lady Laura Bush: Here he is…

Jenna: Ok, bye mom.

Ellen: No wait…

Jenna: I love you.

President Bush: Where you going?

Jenna: I'm not going anywhere, Dad.

President Bush: I love you.

Ellen: Hello President Bush…how are you?

Jenna: This is the Ellen Degeneres Show.

President Bush: Well that's great!

Ellen: How's it going?

President Bush: It's going great, Ellen. How's my little girl doing?

Ellen: Oh, she's great. She's scared she's going to get in trouble,
because I just said, "Is it easy to just pick up the phone and call
your dad anytime? She said, "Yes". So I said, "Okay well, let's call
him, and then she goes, "oh", and now she's scared that she's not
going to get any Christmas presents.

Jenna: Dad?

President Bush: Yes, baby.

Jenna: Are you mad?

President Bush: No, not at all. I'm excited to talk to you. I'm glad
to talk to Ellen.

Jenna Bush Calls Parents on Ellen Degeneres Show picture

Picture of Jena Bush on the phone to President father George Bush via

Ellen: Look, we are showing a picture of you holding your daughters when they were just born. That's beautiful.

Jenna: Best day of your life, remember Dad?

Ellen: All right, well, we just wanted to say Merry Christmas, and we
thought you'd want to say Merry Christmas to our audience.

President Bush: I do want to say Merry Christmas to your audience, and I want to tell my little girl I love her.

Jenna: I love you too, Dad.

Jenna: See, I'm not in trouble.

Ellen: You're not in trouble, that's great.