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Priscilla Ceballos Hannah Montana Tickets Scandal

Priscilla Ceballos and daughter Alexis Menjivar picture

Priscilla Ceballos and daughter Alexis Menjivar photo (via)

Priscilla Ceballos is the mother of Texan girl Alexis Menjivar. Ceballos helped daughter 6-year-old Alexis in an essay contest win four tickets to an upcoming Hannah Montana concert on Janurary 9 by fabricating a story telling of her husband Jonathon Menjivar had died in Iraq. The conspiracy was revealed when the Department of Defense has no record of anyone with that name dying in Iraq. Now the mother and daughter may lose their tickets to the sold-out Hannah Montana concert  sponsored by Club Libby Lu  and a grand prize-airfare for four to Albany, N.Y. where the concert will be staged. Excerpts from Far From Owned

Sometimes, it takes a Texan to prove that people will stoop to anything to get what they want. Meet Priscilla Ceballos, and her lying daughter, Alexis Menjivar, both of whom have brought (even more) shame on Texas and people of Hispanic heritage. More on that in a second, including public information on her that she doesn’t want you to know.

A Garland, Texas six year old and her mother came up with the best lie, at least these days, to get into a January concert, to be held in Albany. The precious little girl, who her mother identifies as Alexis on her MySpace page, and who calls her a “little celebrity” in an obvious nose-thumbing to the incident, wrote an essay claiming that her dad died in Iraq.

Problem is, he didn’t. The father, Jonathan Menjivar, is alive and well in another Texas town. The mother, Priscilla Ceballos, 25, is angry because of what she says are misconceptions. What’s to misunderstand? The girl’s writing is there for all to see. She claimed that her dad died in Iraq, when he never even went to Iraq, and above all, is alive and well.

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