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Osama Bin Laden to Appear in 2nd New Video Marking September 11 Attack Anniversary

bin Laden to appear in the second video to mark sept. 11 attack aniversary

From ABC

Osama bin Laden will appear for the second time in a week in a new video to mark the anniversary of the Sept. 11 attacks (2001 9/11 video), presenting the last will and testament of one of the suicide hijackers, al-Qaida announced Monday [September 10].

Al-Qaida's media arm, Al-Sahab, announced the impending second video Monday with an advertising banner posted on an Islamic militant Web forum where the group often posts its messages.

The video was likely to be released within 24 hours to coincide with Sept. 11[2007], said Ben Venzke, head of IntelCenter, a U.S. group that monitors and analyzes militant messages.

"Coming soon, God willing, from the testaments of the martyrs of the New York and Washington attacks: The testament of the martyr Abu Musab Waleed al-Shehri [who was on American Airlines Flight 11 which crashed into the World Trade Center], presented by Sheik Osama bin Laden, God preserve him," the banner read.

Source: al-Qaida Says 2nd Bin Laden Video Coming @ ABCNews