Britney Spears
' back, bitch!
Killer Brain-eating lake amoeba kills 6 boys in U.S.
A US air raid killed at least eight people in the Al Saha neighbourhood of the Doura district in southern Baghdad.
At least 12 tourists, including eight Chinese and two Japanese and a British couple, hurt in Maldives bomb on Sep. 29, 2007.
Safety experts for the Food and Drug Administration urged the agency to consider an outright ban on over-the-counter, multisymptom cough and cold medicines for children under 6 on Sep. 28, 2007.
David Letterman Makes Paris Hilton
"Sad" by peppering her with a series of questions about her jail earlier this year.
Li Tangyong (L) and Chen Guilan
, the shortest couple
, with the bridegroom standing at 1.1 meters and the bride at 0.7 meters, will get married on the China upcoming National Day holiday (Oct.1, 2007). They are also challenging the "shortest couple to get married" in Guinness World Records.
High School Musical Stars singing "We're All In This Together" in the movie for the last song of the movie.
Country singer Sara Evans, who dropped out of Dancing with the Stars last October, has agreed to pay her exhusband Craig Schelske
$600,000 in divorce alimony
Have you seen this oddest contraptionas an alternative to the strapless bra for large-breasted women?