Harry Benjamin Syndrome, or called gender dysphoria, has confused the Argentina boy Nati
from the Córdoba area so long time, Nati knew from an early age that he had been born with the wrong male body. So as early as 2004, he already began petitioning for the courts to allow him to have a sex change surgery, but not until this August, he was finally granted a sex change operation by the Consulting Bioethics Committee of the Córdoba Judiciary, which will be the first kind of in Argentine
or Latin America. Now Nati has changed his sex to Female in all new identification documents.
The Consulting Bioethics Committee of the Córdoba Judiciary has finally concluded in favor of the surgical sex reassignment and the granting of new identification documents in her new gender to "Nati," the Córdoba teenager suffering from gender dysphoria (or Harry Benjamin Syndrome).
"Nati's" family heard the news yesterday; in 2004 she had petitioned for the courts to allow her to have the surgery. Given the results of the medical-psychiatric investigation, the family guesses that the decree authorizing the surgery for "Nati," born 17 years ago in a male body, is imminent.
The legal process started in February before the Civil, Business and Family Judge Rodolfo Álvarez, the same judge who in 2004 rejected the case, finding that the rights of the parents did not extend to authorizing an "irreversible" surgery. Now, several years later, a feeling of relief has spread through Nati's home. "Javier," the father, has begun to smile again, and "Alicia," the mother, is animated in relaying the news to her friends. All of these names are fictitious, chosen by The Voice of the Interior in October of 2005 when the story of this unusual case came to light, in which the two parents sought judicial permission for sex change surgery for their daughter. On July 18th "Nati" had her seventeenth birthday.
The family is now in possession of the results of the inquiry, signed by eight specialists of the aforementioned committee, and which concludes by recommending, among other things:
That sexual reassignment surgery should be authorized;
That a change in the National Identity Document to the requested name and feminine gender should be authorized;
That post-operative psychological supervision, until legal adulthood (21 years) to safeguard her psychic well-being while adjusting to the new psychological and physical reality, be required;That post-operative endocrinological supervision by a physician until legal adulthood be required;
That periodic reports concerning her psychological and physical situation be prepared until she reaches the age of legal adulthood.
Source: Surgery for "Nati" is Imminent @ La Voz Picutre @ Flickr