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Tibet Lhasa Riots

tibet riot march 14th

I can't say China Government has done a 100% perfect job on Tibet Affairs, but I totally object to the killing, robbery, arson and smashing what some unlawful Tibetans had done on March 14. Click here to watch Australian tourist Michael Smith's amateur video which shows how those unlawful Tibetans did their sins. Click here to read a foreign eyewitness account of Lhasa Riot. Click here to see some pictures uploaded by my Chinese friend pp. Click here to see the video of an innocent Chinese motorist being attacked by Tibetan mobsters. So what does Dalai Lama clique's peaceful protest mean? Any country, other than China, will tolerate such violence by not allowing their police/paramilitary to stop it?

burned Xinhua News Agency Lhasa office picture

Xinhua News Agency, Lhasa office burned by mobsters

lama monk

Tibetan monk did what Burmese monks hadn't done --attacking business premises!