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Mark Thatcher Arrest Warrant: Equatorial Guinea Seeks Ex-British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher's Son Mark Thatcher Arrest

Ex-British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher Son Mark Thatcher picture

Equatorial Guinea, the third largest oil producer in Africa, has issued an international arrest warrant against Sir Mark Thatcher, the son of former British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher. Interpol had been asked to help find where Mark is.

Mark Thatcher was accused of being an instigator of an abortive coup plot against the president Teodoro Obiang in 2004. Equatorial Guinea's Attorney General Jose Olo Obono said that Mark had provided money and transport for the d'etat coup, an accusation he always denied.

"As far as I'm concerned the issue has already been dealt with....I've been charged and tried in a court in South Africa on exactly those charges so I don't see what more they can do." Mark Thatcher told the UK's Daily Telegraph newspaper he was not worried by the arrest warrant. Source: BBC