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Ken Miller, 70, Goes China to Live With Bride Lei Genxiou, 45

Ken Miller and lei genxiou picture

Ken Miller, a pensioner from UK, met Chinese woman Lei Genxiou from China's Nanning City on the internet and later married. Because the British government refused to give a visa to Mrs Lei, Mr. Ken Miller decided to leave Britain for China to stay with his bride!

In just 18 months of marriage, Ken Miller and his bride have found the road to wedded bliss rather rocky.

There is their 25-year-age gap, the fact that they live 6,000 miles apart - not to mention the small matter of neither speaking the other's language.

But when 70-year-old Mr Miller managed to secure his 46-year-old Chinese wife Lei Genxiou a place in his sheltered accommodation near Swansea, it seemed they would at last be together - until she was refused a visa.

So now he is turning his back on Britain and moving to China to be with her ... and he can't wait to get there.

Mr Miller will set up home in the south-western Chinese city of Nanning, where the couple married in 2006 after meeting on the Internet.

"The quality of life over there is much better than it is here," he said. "The food is fresher, the lifestyle is cheaper, and you get your rubbish emptied twice a day.

"The British have an old-fashioned view of China. It is a great place to live. I know of people who have come from Nanning to live here, and hated it.

"In China, there are 14-lane roads in the middle of town lined with shrubs and trees which are never damaged by vandals.

"They've got shops that women over here would die for. I am very excited about going to live with Lei, and she is too. I have just been talking to her on the computer. We have never been closer."

He has visited his bride three times since they married and says he will have no regrets about leaving Britain.

Recalling a recent visit to Nanning, he added: "We went out to a restaurant which served 30 different dishes of food. The bill for seven of us was £14, and we drank 35 pints of beer.

"So they haven't got an NHS, but on practically every street there are doctors and dentists which are open 14 hours a day, seven days a week. And yes, they eat dogs there - but we eat deer and rabbits."

Yes, China is not as bad as some western medias portrayed.