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Angelina Jolie Diabetes: Pregnant Angelina Jolie Has Gestational Diabetes

 Pregnant Angelina Jolie baby bump picture

Carrying boy and girl twins while still having to take four kids, a pregnant Angelina Jolie is so exhausted to the point that the 32-year-old mom-to-be has developed gestational diabetes :

It seems carrying twins is proving quite a drag for pregnant Angelina Jolie.

The 32-year-old actress is said to be suffering from a form of diabetes that develops during pregnancy.

She's also dealing with painful swelling caused by fluid build-up and her shoes have gone up by half a size, it has been claimed.

"Angie has gestational diabetes. She found out about a month ago and has been trying to keep it under wraps," a source told US magazine Star. "She's been seeing a nutritionist about it — frequently."

The Tomb Raider star is also “constantly tired” from taking her four other kids to Texas, where partner Brad Pitt, 44, is filming Tree of Life.

"She's sick and irritable and feels heavy and weak," said the source.

Gestational Diabetes Facts:

Gestational diabetes [is a curable condition which] usually begins in the second half of pregnancy and goes away after the baby is born.

It can develop in a woman who has not previously had the condition and affects around two percent of pregnant women.

It can lead to problems for mother and baby if it isn't properly controlled with diet and exercise.

Sufferers are more likely to develop gestational diabetes in future pregnancies, and are at a higher risk of developing type 2 diabetes later in life.

Source: Dailymail