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Darrie Eason's Double Mastectomy Because of CBLPath Medical lab's Mistake

Darrie Eason's Double Mastectomy Because of CBLPath Medical lab's Mistake

So Darrie Eason, a 35-year-old single mother living in Long Island of New York is now suing the CBLPath to expose lab errors that have irreversible consequences.

Darrie Eason recalls getting the news most women would pray for: she did not have breast cancer. But her relief quickly turned to horror because the news meant she had undergone an unnecessary double mastectomy.

Darrie said, "All the things that I had gone through with my family, my child, that it was unnecessary. I didn't know if I was suppose to be mad or happy."

Eason's initial cancer diagnosis it turns out was a mistake -- the result of a lab mix up. According to a Health Department letter, the technician who handled her biopsy at CBLPath in Rye Brook cut corners and mixed up two specimens. She was told she had breast cancer and another woman with cancer was told she was fine.

Four months later, the lab amended its report but it was too late. Eason had already had the aggressive cancer surgery.

Eason has filed a lawsuit in State Supreme Court in Mineola last month seeking an undisclosed sum of money. CBLPath CEO William Curtis said the doctor who signed off on Eason's diagnosis no longer works for the company, but that her departure has nothing to do with Ms. Eason's case.
