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Robert Pattinson New Moon Black Dots Explained (Photo); Jay Leno Final Tonight Show (Video); etc

Robert Pattinson New Moon shirtless Black Dots photo
Robert Pattinson black dots picture via justjared

Robert Pattinson New Moon mystery dots explained - Robert Pattinson’s New Moon shirtless pictures have been released on the internet last week, but what are the black dots on his face and arm? Radaronline has de-mystified them after consulting with Mar Elephano, an movie magic expert:

Animation pro Mar Elephano says the dots are for Moon's CGI team, used as markers in creating the diamond effect that Twilight saga vampires experience when exposed to sunlight.

"These are markers to help the person who is creating the effect put the diamonds on his body later and it will be composited, Elephano, production supervisor in the animation department at USC's School of Cinematic Arts, tells us.

OctoMom reality TV show - Octuplets' mom Nadya Suleman has signed a deal with the British production company Eyeworks, which plans to film reality series based on the controversial single mother and her 14 children, People reported.

Jay Leno final Tonight Show – Jay Leno ended his 17-year-long stint as the host of The Tonight Show on Friday May 29. The 59-year-old will launch a new hour-long chat show at 10 p.m on NBC in September. Check out the clip below of the last episode of The Tonight Show, which will be taken-over by Conan O'Brien on Monday.

Jay Leno, Conan O'Brien The Tonight Show finale clip