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Chen Fuchao Pushed Off Haizhu Bridge Serial Pictures

Chen Fuchao Pushed Off Haizhu Bridge Picture 1 Chen Fuchao Pushed Off Haizhu Bridge Picture 2Chen Fuchao Pushed Off Haizhu Bridge Picture 3 Chen Fuchao Pushed Off Haizhu Bridge Picture 4

Chen Fuchao, a man from Huazhou of Guangdong Province, recently hit the news headlines of both Chinese and international media for being pushed off Haizhu Bridge in Guangzhou. Though labelled as a would-be suicidal jumper, Chen Fuchao might not be indeed to have a suicide. According to himself, the 32-year-old was in debt because a real estate company was reluctant to pay the remaining 4,500,000 Yuan out of a total amount of 10,000,000 Yuan. Chen Fuchao confessed in an interview that he wanted to attract the attention in order to press the man who owed him the money to pay.

Read story on Xinhua and CNN