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Nick Cannon Slams Eminem for Rapping Mariah Carey in Bagpipes From Baghdad

Nick Cannon Mariah Carey photo

Nick Cannon has slammed Eminem for rapping about wife Mariah Carey on his new album, Relapse.

Eminem talked about his alleged romance with Mariah on his upcoming song titled Bagpipes From Baghdad with the lyrics “Mariah whatever happened to us. Why did we ever have to break up? Nick Cannon, you better back the f---up. I’m not playing, I want her back, you punk. I wish you luck with that…wh –.”

Eminem photo

Nick Cannon used his blog to fire back at the 36-year-old rapper last Friday. The ex-rapper laughed at Eminem’s latest work and defended Maria never dated Eminem.

"I felt sorry for him because he must really be stuck in the past. Not only has his music not evolved, but also homeboy is still obsessed with my wife, the same female that wouldn't let him get to second base from eight years ago…” Nick blogged.

"What type of grown a** man lies about getting with a chick? Only Slim Lamey! LOL!” he wrote.

The 28-year-old America's Got Talent host then challenged Eminem, "Man to man, let’s meet up and deal with this like adults. This is my invitation to you, whenever and wherever you like sir. So when you come out of your introverted hiding place and ask your bodyguards if you can go out and play by yourself, I’m here Pimp!…”

Mariah Carey previously denied the romantic relationship with Eminem in 2001.