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In God We Trust Is Steve Kruescher's New Name

in god we trust on coinin-god-we-trust green back

If you believe In God We Trust is the one phrase that appears on the the back of US dollar bills or coins, think again!

In God We Trust is now the new name of Steve Kreuscher. Apparently, Friday the thirteenth was not ominous for Mr. Kreuscher.  The 57-year-old school bus driver and amateur drawing artist from the Chicago suburb of Zion was granted to legally change his name to "In God We Trust" by Lake County Circuit Judge David Hall on Friday, June 13, 2008. "In God" is his first name and "We Trust" last name.

The Illinois artist contributed the name change as an homage to his higher power who aided him through tough times.

"God has brought me through some very hard times. I feel this is a way to honor God." Dailyherald.com quoted Mr. We Trust as saying.

In God We Trust Steve Kruescher Photo
In God We Trust, original name Steve Kruescher, was photographed leaving the court on June 13, 2008. The excerpted caption by Mr. We Trust read: "...This photo was taken right after I left the court house. I am holding an American Flag, level with my chest, to show my strong patriotism in my country, but I am holding my left hand much higher, even above my head, making the sign of the Holy Trinity with my hand, to express that my "Trust" and my loyalty to God is much greater, than my "Trust' and my loyalty to my country. ..."