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Jonathan Rhys Meyers Arrested After Airport Drunken Fight in Paris (Photo)

Jonathan Rhys Meyers picture

Jonathan Rhys Meyers, the Tudors star, was reportedly detained by French police after a drunken brawl at the Charles DeGaulle airport in Paris.

According to reports, the drunkenly 31-year-old actor punched a waiter who refused to serve him at the café area Le Quotidien. He was said to have thrown money at the officers, boasted about his wealth, and shouted "You wanna hit me? Hit me!" during the detained period.

He has been ordered to appear in a Paris court in September on charges of "willful violence, outrage, hitting and threatening death," Us magazine reported.

The star, who rehabed three times for alcohol addiction, was previously arrested in 2007 for public drunkenness and breach of the peace at Dublin Airport.