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Jessica Alba Shark Posters Incident (Photo): Jessica Alba Investigated for Defacing Property

Jessica Alba photo

Jessica Alba was involved in an investigation for defacing property, after she was caught putting up posters of white sharks over billboards in Oklahoma city.

The 28-year-old actress, who is currently in Oklahoma City filming her latest thriller The Killer Inside Me, was on a mission in White Mike Campaign, gluing posters to draw attention to the Great White Sharks which is becoming extinct.

But she was filed by Wendell Whisenhunt, the Oklahoma City's Director of Parks and Recreation, for “defacing electrical boxes, a bridge and a United Way billboard” because the glue is so sticky and the posters won't be come off, TMZ reported.

Jessica Alba Shark Posters Incident Photo Jessica Alba Investigated for Defacing Property
Jessica Alba alleged defacing property photo via TMZ

Luckily, the damage estimated between $500 and $700 is reportedly not enough to earn Alba going to jail.

Jessica Alba apologized, stating that, "I got involved in something I should have had no part of, I realize that I should have used better judgment, and I regret not thinking things through before I made a spontaneous and ill-advised decision to let myself get involved with the people behind this campaign. I sincerely apologize to the citizens of Oklahoma City and to the United Way for my involvement in this incident.”