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Samantha Ronson Family Seeking Restraining Order Against Lindsay Lohan: Lindsay Lohan Samantha Ronson Definitely Broken Up

Lindsay Lohan Samantha Ronson picture
Lindsay Lohan Samantha Ronson picture via Youtube.com

Samantha Ronson’s family is seeking a restraining order against Lindsay Lohan!

Since Lindsay Lohan was banned from the Ronson’s party last Friday, the LiLo-Sam break-up became nasty.

Over the weekend, Sam changed the locks of her Hollywood Hills house. Later, Lindsay used her twitter account to complain her ex-girlfriend and Ronson’s sister.

On Monday, Samantha Ronson’s mother Ann Dexter-Jones and clothing designer sister Charlotte Ronson were at the Beverly Hills Police Department to look into filing a restraining order against Lindsay for Sam.

Lindsay Lohan finally admitted her split from Samantha Ronson on E! News Monday morning. "We are taking a brief break so I can focus on myself.” said the 22-year-old actress who also reportedly changed her Myspace status to single.

Our advice to Lindsay Lohan that she should concentrate more on her career than just produce trivial nonsense gossips.