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Angelina Jolie Pregnant With Baby #7? Jamie Foxx Apologizes Over Miley Cyrus Rant; etc

Angelina Jolie Pregnant With Baby number 7 star magazine cover picture

Angelina Jolie is reportedly 2.5 months pregnant with baby #7.

Jamie Foxx, who launched a furious rant at Miley Cyrus on his Sirius radio show Sunday night, has apologized to the 16-year-old on Tuesday's Tonight Show With Jay Leno.

Jessica Alba goes back to blond.

Justin Timberlake, rapper Lupe Fiasco, and singer Kenna will climb up the Tanzanian mountain to raise awareness about the current water shortage the world is facing.

Hugh Jackman is a mad scientist on Spain’s popular entertainment show El Hormiguero April 14.

Hugh Jackman on Spain’s El Hormiguero (April 14) video