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John Solecki, Kidnapped American U.N Refugee Officer Threated To Be Killed In 72 Hours

John Solecki, Kidnapped American U.N Threated To Be Killed

ISLAMABAD (AFP) — A kidnapped American UN official abducted in Pakistan 11 days ago was apparently shown in a video aired by Pakistani television on Friday, appealing for his release and saying he was unwell.

The video, broadcast by private channel Dunya and rival station Geo, shows a close up of the face of a blindfolded man, apparently John Solecki, although the person was not identified.

Solecki, who heads the UN refugee agency (UNHCR) in Quetta -- the capital of Pakistan's restive southwestern Baluchistan province -- was abducted at gunpoint on February 2 while travelling to work. His driver was killed.

"This is a message to the United Nations. I am not feeling well, I am sick and in trouble. Please help solve the problems soon so I can gain my release," said the person shown in the video.

It was not clear if he was speaking under threat, nor was it immediately clear when the video was taken.

Dunya announced that the video was shot on a mobile phone and delivered on a memory card to the television station.

Dunya said the Baluch United Liberation Front, which claimed Solecki's abduction in a telephone call to local media, demanded the release of 141 women Baluch detainees apparently in Pakistani custody within 72 hours.

Keep  Mr. John Solecki in my prayers!