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13-Year-Old Dad Alfie Patten's Sister Also Became A Parent At 13

Yesterday we told you that boy Alfie Patten became a 13-year-old daddy. It was revealed today in the updated Dailymail report that Alfie's older sister Jade, now 19, also had a baby at the age of 13.

Anyway, without money and job, Alfie Patten, a 4-feet tall pupil, still determined to be a good dad. The second youngest known father in UK has already begun changing nappies for daughter Maisie Roxanne who was given the birth by mom Chantelle Stedman on January 9.

What made this kid-become-father story more like a drama is rumours began circulating in Chantelle's neighbourhood that Alfie was not baby Maisie's father. Neighbor Sean Thomas claimed Chantelle Stedman had already had several boyfriends, who were allowed to stay over in her bedroom.