Skylar Deleon photo embedded from
Skylar Deleon, the 29-year-old former child actor on TV's Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers, was convicted of three counts of first-degree murder on October 20.
Rocco Ritchie, the 8-year-old son of Madonna, was spotted wearing a navy New York Yankees T-shirt, showing support Alex Rodriguez's team while out in NYC.
Guy Ritchie has accused Madonna of spying on him after details of his private meeting were leaked to her during their break-up.
Alex Rodriguez flew to Florida to spend time with his two young daughters and ex-wife Cynthia Scurtis over the weekend.

Kerry Katona ZOO magazine photos: Kerry Katona, the 28-year-old English reality TV star, shows off her new FF breasts on men's ZOO magazine after $30,000 of surgery.