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Asha Mandela Longest Dreadlocks Guinness World Record

Asha Mandela Dreadlocks Guiness World Record
Pictured: Asha Mandela's Longest Dreadlocks In The World (via)

Asha Mandela of South Florida has the longest dreadlocks on the world. The hair of 46-year-old woman from Polk County that has grown 20 years measures at 8 feet 9 inches. Asha Mandela currently is applying for a Guinness World Record for her very proud assets. Snippets from Stupid Celebrities are some facts about Asha Mandela's Longest Dreadlocks in the world:

Asha Mandela’s dreadlocks are longer than she is tall. Asha began growing her dreads twenty years ago.

Asha wraps her 8 foot, 9 inch dreads around her neck like a scarf, or lets them hang down her back like a veil. Mandela is originally from Trinidad, and began growing her dreads 20 years ago while she was living in New York.

Mandela’s dreadlocks are very important to her, and she refers to them as her baby. But of course they are quite a bit of work. When she goes in her pool, it takes two hours at least for her dreads to dry. Mandela says, “I try not to have any errands that day”.

Asha Mandela washes her 8 foot dreads once a week, and it takes an entire bottle of shampoo and bottle of conditioner to accomplish the task.

Asha Mandela Longest Dreadlocks Guinness World Record Applying Video