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Miley Cyrus "Sex and the City" Remake Plan

Miley Cyrus, the Hannah Montana star who found herself embroidered with numerous racy photos scandals, revealed that she is planning to remake Sex and the City, but a cleaner version.

picture of hannah montana teen actress Mily Cyrus
Miley Cyrus, the teen sensation of Disney's Hannah Montana, plans to remake a cleaner version of Sex and The City. (Image Credit: Chris Hatcher/PR Photos)

"I'd love to do a younger, cleaner version of Sex and the City," she told to TV Guide magazine, "I like to think of myself as the girl that no-one can get, that no-one can keep in their hand. Even at my age, a lot of girls are starting to fall and I think if [staying a virgin] is a commitment girls make, that's great."