File Photo: Roger Clemens and wife Debbie Clemens attended Planet Hollywood Resort and Casino Grand Opening in Las Vegas on November 17, 2007. (Image credit: PR Photos)
Debbie Clemens HGH Use? The wife of baseball star Roger Clemens who was named in Mitchell Report for allegedly having used steroids or human growth hormone (HGH) this February, was also alleged of the injection of HGH before taking photos for a 2003 issue of Sports Illustrated magazine. From OC Register
She [Debbie Clemens] used HGH to prepare for her appearance in a bikini in a husband-and-wife photo in the Sports Illustrated swimsuit issue.
Witnesses say Debbie Clemens used the HGH, but disagree over who injected it. In a statement last February, she said says she did, while Brian McNamee, the pitcher’s personal trainer, says McNamee did at the direction of Roger Clemens.
Roger Clemens and wife Debbie Clemens Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Photo. Debbie Clemens was alleged of injecting HGH before taking this shoot.

Kirk Radomski (Bloomberg Image)
Roger Clemens, the seven-time Cy Young Award winner, is under investigation for possibly perjury. He has denied under oath using HGH, or having any prior knowledge that his wife was going to use HGH. New York Daily News is reporting Kirk Radomski (pictured left), the confessed drug supplier, has provided the authorities with shipping receipts for a package of two kits of HGH that he sent in late 2002 or 2003 to Clemens at the pitcher's palatial mansion in Houston. These key documents may finally lead the Federal investigators to find the proofs wether Roger Clemens or Debbie Clemens had used HGH or not.