Blow off your Blackberry and let go off your laptop. The DualCor mobile computer is taking hold of the micro PC reigns. As always smaller is bigger and better when it comes to electronic portable devices, however size reduction can come at the cost of function loss. Not so in the case of this amazingly small, versatile and feature loaded Mobile computer. Charged with two processors, the DualCor makes the most out of its 400 megahertz mobile processor for lighter tasks and then calls in the big guns with its 1.5 gig laptop chip that runs windows effortlessly. Energy consumption is always a sore point with mobile PC's. The DualCor has addressed this issue by running only the processor that is in use at the time. With a shared touch screen display running at 800 X 480 , a pointer stick and 3 USB ports, this little pocket rocket has all the essential features of any desktop. When you back in the office the VGA port may come in handy for projection on to your larger monitor. Priced at $ 1500, the DualCor is as inexpensive as it is compact.