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Miley Cyrus Can't Be Tamed!

Can't Be Tamed star Miley Cyrus really can't be tamed. As The Improper puts it, "Miley Cyrus continues to push the envelope on teen sexuality…"

U.S singer Miley Cyrus performs at the Rock in Rio Music Festival in Lisbon
Miley Cyrus performing at Portugal's Rock in Rio Music Festival

The costume Miley Cyrus opted in when performing at Rock n Rio Music Festival in Lisbon May 29 became a hot topic in the blogospere again. Reason? Miley‘s olive colored corset-style outfit made her have a wardrobe malfunction alike--exposing the outline of girly krack—say vei-gee-nah!

U.S singer Miley Cyrus performs at the Rock in Rio Music Festival in Lisbon
Miley Cyrus daring outfit pushing teen sexuality

Miley Cyrus is make no slower steps to chase the ranks of pop stars including Lady Gaga, Rihanna, Britney Spears and Christina Agulirera