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Robert Pattinson Wanna Steal Camilla Belle from Joe Jonas!?

Camilla Belle, Joe Jonas girlfriend
Camilla Belle Picture (credit: PR Photos)

According to Finditt.com, Robert Pattinson, the Twilight star, is said to get over co-star Kristen Stewart by making the moves on Camilla Belle, Joe Jonas' girlfriend of three months:

Robert Pattinson is reportedly trying to steal Jonas Brothers singer Joe Jonas’s girlfriend, actress Camilla Belle. Sources say Pattinson, who was previously linked to his co-star Kristen Stewart is “very attracted” to Belle and has been trying to convince her to dump Jonas.

“He’s very attracted to her. They have a lot in common,” a source says.

We're really feeling a bit pessimistic for Joe, because Robert Pattinson and Camilla Belle, both 22, were already spotted hanging out together as early as in the beginning of December.