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Angelina Jolie Warned: No More Babies!

Angelina Jolie No More Babies ok magazine cover story picture

Angelina Jolie will not be able to have another biological child? The 33-year-old Changeling star is being warned not to get pregnant any time soon or even never, again! That's because Angelina's last two pregnancies had many complications, OK! magazine reports.

"Angelina is at risk of having a stroke or heart attack, and because she developed gestational diabetes, there is a high risk she'll have it again, with the child being at risk for diabetes." Dr. Larrian Gillespie, tells OK!.

"Her previous pregnancies ended with emergency caesarian secions. She's been told that, at the least, she should not get pregnant for a year after her last deliver, and it would be safer if she did not get pregnant, ever."