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Happy 2009, Year of The Ox!

Year of The Ox Happy 2009, Year of The Ox!


Wish Everyone Who Drops by This Blog Random Citations A Very Prosperous 2009, Year of The Ox [wiki] according to the Chinese Lunar calendar!

Angelina Jolie Warned: No More Babies!

Angelina Jolie No More Babies ok magazine cover story picture

Angelina Jolie will not be able to have another biological child? The 33-year-old Changeling star is being warned not to get pregnant any time soon or even never, again! That's because Angelina's last two pregnancies had many complications, OK! magazine reports.

"Angelina is at risk of having a stroke or heart attack, and because she developed gestational diabetes, there is a high risk she'll have it again, with the child being at risk for diabetes." Dr. Larrian Gillespie, tells OK!.

"Her previous pregnancies ended with emergency caesarian secions. She's been told that, at the least, she should not get pregnant for a year after her last deliver, and it would be safer if she did not get pregnant, ever."

Caroline Kennedy 'You Know' Interview With New York Times Is Disastrous!

Barack Obama & Caroline Kennedy (Maggie's Madness)
Caroline Kennedy, the hopeful candidate for filling the senatorship vacancy left by future Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, is probably to cost her nomination after a disastrous interview with New York Times. She repeated You Know with a whopping 142 times in talks with the newspaper, Telegraph is reporting.

When she first made it known that she wanted to be appointed to take over Mrs Clinton's seat, Miss Kennedy, 51, the daughter of the assassinated President John F. Kennedy, seemed a near certainty for the job.

But in the course of a few weeks she has alienated Governor David Paterson of New York, who has the sole power to make the appointment, and the American press, including the elite New York Times, which is a powerful influence on Democratic officials.

During an interview with the paper she stumbled badly, fuelling comparisons to Governor Sarah Palin of Alaska, whose bid for the vice-presidency was blighted by a series of disastrous interviews with Katie Couric of CBS News.

Perhaps most damaging of all was her repeated use of the phrase "you know", which she uttered 142 times and was left in the transcript when it appeared in print.

Explaining why she would be a good Senator, she said: "So I think in many ways, you know, we want to have all kinds of different voices, you know, representing us, and I think what I bring to it is, you know, my experience as a mother, as a woman, as a lawyer, you know, I've been an education activist for the last six years here, and, you know, I've written seven books – two on the Constitution, two on American politics.

"So obviously, you know, we have different strengths and weaknesses."

God Bless! May Caroline Kennedy's PR staffs do her some favors in the future interviews!

Melissa Berry Pics

Meet Melissa (Jo) Berry, the stripper-turned-linebacker of Lingerie Football League's Tampa Breeze team. See Melissa Berry Pics below:

Melissa Berry Picture, Photo, Image Melissa Berry Picture, Photo, Image
Melissa Berry Pics

Melissa Berry (pictured here) now is one of the most sought celebs in the blogosphere. The reason? Associated Contents takes on the story--Melissa Berry Nude Pictures Spark Lawsuit:

Melissa Berry is suing ex boyfriend Mark Dawson [pics 1, 2] in Hillsborough County Circuit Court for damages totaling over $15,000, according to TBO.com. Mark had taken the nude pictures on Melissa on his cell phone. It seems Mark Dawsonwas out at a club and showed the nude pictures to some friends who called Melissa. The friends called Melissa and told her and she came and confronted Mark. She got upset and took away is phone. The ever classy Mark Dawson sent Melissa's mom a message threatening to make the pictures public if he didn't get his phone back. Mark didn't get his phone back and he allegedly sent the nude pictures to Melissa Berry's Mother and posted them on myspace for the world to see.

Melissa Berry (MySpace) was given birth on July 23, 1984 in Downers Grove, Illinois. Seemingly born as a model, Berry has been modeling from a very early age. She has taken part in Ms.Bikini Universe and Model Universe pageants before. According to 24timepass.com, Melissa Berry (bikini pic) stands at 5 feet 7 inches and measures 34-26-32. She was an adult stripper before becoming Lingerie Football player with the Tampa Breeze team.

Hugh Hefner With Girlfriends Karissa and Kristina Shannon Twins Christmas Card

Hugh Hefner Karissa and Kristina Shannon Twins Christmas Card

Hugh Hefner has sent out his season's greeting for many! He mailed a card which shows his two new girlfriends, twins Karissa and Kristina Shannon (picture above), on the front! It looks like the 82-year-young Playboy magazine founder could not be proud any more. [HuffingtonPost.com]

Anna Hansen Lance Armstrong Baby Expected!

Lance Armstrong (Wikipedia)

Anna Hansen, Lance Armstrong's girlfriend is pregnant! Congrats to Armstrong, he is to be a father for the fourth time! The 38-year-old seven-time champion of Tour de France, told to AP:

"Anna and I are thrilled to confirm that we are expecting in June and our families are ecstatic and grateful," Armstrong told on Tuesday night. "We are very much looking forward to what 2009 brings on many fronts. We appreciate respecting our privacy, as we are both eager to celebrate the holidays as a family."

Keen to know who Anna Hansen is? Read her biography from Right Celebrities:

Anna Hansen is a Colorado native, and she graduated from the University of Colorado at Boulder with a degree in Biology. She is a Program Manager and Recruiter for First Descents, an organization that provides whitewater kayaking and other outdoor adventure experiences to promote emotional, psychological and physical healing for young adults with cancer. She has been a volunteer at the Children’s Hospital in Denver and serves on the board of directors of Camp Wapiyapi, a foundation providing support for families with childhood cancer. She is an outdoor enthusiast and enjoys mountain biking and snowboarding.

Anna Hansen met Lance Armstrong through charity work, and they have been quietly dating since July 2008, shortly after his relationship with Kate Hudson ended. Their baby was unplanned (obviously), and indicates that after all these years, testicular cancer survivor Lance’s sperm are working again. This is rare and only happens to a small handful of survivors.

Oh, we can't wait any longer to see Anna Hansen pictures (and future baby bump pics), anyone has the links to the pic of Hansen, welcome to post them in the comments below. (Update: Anna Hansen Photos found)

Return to the topic. Anna Hansen Lance Armstrong baby will be due in the summer. Hansen's pregnancy may be of extraordinary meaning for Armstrong, because this of his unborn baby is conceived naturally! Kudos!

Armstrong, a testicular cancer survivor, has three children (Luke, born in October 1999, and twin daughters Isabelle and Grace, born in November 2001) with his first wife Kristin Richards (pictures 1, 2), all of them were conceived via in vitro fertilization.

Anna Hansen Lance Armstrong Baby Photo
Max Armstrong, Anna Hansen and boyfriend Lance Armstrong's son

Update: Lance Armstrong Baby Max Armstrong was born on June 4. Anna Hansen gave birth to Max in Aspen, Corolado.

Victoria Prince, Kevin Federline's New Girlfriend (Pic)

Kevin Federline girlfriend Victoria Prince picture

Victoria Prince, a volleyball player, is the new girlfriend of Britney Spears' ex husband Kevin Federline (pic). Victoria Prince and Kevin Federline were seen hanging out at a nightclub in Las Vegas and bowling together in Los Angeles during the past several days. Prince, a six-feet-tall blonde, is 26 years old.

Victoria Prince picture 1

Victoria Prince picture 2

Mark Everett (Manuel Benitez) Shot Dead During A Shootout With Police

Mark Everett

Mark Everett, who was known as the stage name of former child actor Manuel Benitez, was shot dead today on December 24. Mark Everett,was killed during a shootout with Los Angeles Police at a Chinese restaurant in El Monte where he held his son Benjamin Everett as a hostage. The 38-year-old is on the run since he killed girlfriend Stephanie Spears in 2004.

Detectives today identified a 38-year old Hawthorne murder fugitive who took his 7-year-old son hostage at gunpoint, barricaded himself and the child inside an El Monte restaurant bathroom, and then triggered a bloody standoff that left the suspect dead and the boy wounded.

The hostage-taker was identified as Manuel Benitez of Hawthorne, who's also known as Mark Everett, Mike Evers, Manuel Velasco, and Manuel De Velasco, according to the FBI's Web site. ...

The events that culminated with Benitez's death began about 2:30 p.m. Tuesday when El Monte police responded to a call of a suspicious person with a child near the intersection of Ramona Boulevard and Santa Anita Avenue, sheriff's Sgt. David Infante said.

When officers arrived at the scene, they found Benitez armed with a handgun. Benitez then reportedly grabbed his son -- Benjamin, who is biracial, Black and Latino -- and positioned him between himself and police, Infante said.

Benitez then took the boy inside Tai Pan Chinese Food, at 3580 Santa Anita Ave., and locked himself and the child inside a bathroom, threatening to kill himself, Benjamin, and any responding officers, Infante said.

Crisis negotiators entered the restaurant, establishing communication with the man for roughly two hours, but he refused to comply with their requests to surrender or release the child, Infante said.

Hours into the standoff, the bathroom door opened, and the Special Weapons Crisis Entry Team deployed a flash-bang device inside the room. The team then entered the bathroom, attempting to rescue the boy and take the suspect into custody, he said.

Then, "an officer-involved shooting occurred," Infante said, adding that the suspect suffered a gunshot wound, and was pronounced dead at the scene. Two handguns in Benitez's possession were recovered following the shooting, he added. 


In Touch: Britney Spears and Benji Madden Dating

Britney Spears Dating Benji Madden
Britney Spears and Benji Madden are dating? According to InTouch weekly, the question to the answer  is a sure "yes"! 

They’ve been on a few dates. They met once at The Peninsula Hotel in Beverly Hills for dinner in a hotel suite. She [Britney Spears] appears to like Benji [Madden] a lot, and he seems to really like her.” An unnamed source of the mag was quoted Australia's  Ninemsn.

Benji Madden, rumored Britney Spears new boyfriend
Benji Madden is Britney Spears's new boyfriend? (Image credit: PR Photos)

Benji Madden has recently become available again after he was dumped by ex girlfriend Paris Hilton. He was said to be picked by Brit's legal conservator and father Jamie Spears as one of suitable boyfriends )others like Chace Crawford, Jesse Metcalf and Michael Phelps) with whom Brit can make out. Madden has since become a lucky dog.

When first hearing of Benji Madden and Britney Spears' dates, Paris Hilton reportedly "literally saw red".