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Video: Christina Aguilera "Beautiful" Tribute to CNN Heroes On Thanksgiving

Christina Aguilera along with several other stars paid tribute to the top 10 CNN Heroes of 2008 during CNN's annual CNN Heroes: An All-Star Tribute event at Hollywood’s Kodak Theater on Thanksgiving night November 27.

Christina Aguilera "Beautiful" Performance On "10 CNN Heroes of 2008" video

Christina Aguilera performed single Beautiful (video above), singer John Legend performed If You're Out There and Alicia Keys sang Superwoman to "salute everyday people accomplishing extraordinary things in their communities and beyond".

Actors Cameron Diaz, Meg Ryan, Salma Hayek, John Krasinski, Forest Whitaker, Terrence Howard, Lucy Liu, Jessica Biel, Kate Beckinsale and Selena Gomez presented the CNN's tribute to the top 10.