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David Blaine Upside Down (Photos)

David Blaine Upside Down!  Illusionist David Blaine is performing his latest body endurance challenge hanging upside down at Wollmann Rink in New York Central Park since Monday September 22.

David Blaine Upside Down picture
David Blaine Upside Down at Press Conference on September 18 (Image credit: Donna Ward/PR Photos)

According to the reports, the 35-year-old David Blaine is being hoisted 44 feet into the air by his electromagnetic heels without safety net or airbag prepared beneath. He will remain there for 60 hours until September 24. Blaine will eat water through a straw and urinate through a catheter.

David Blaine Upside Down picture and Donald Trump
David Blaine Upside Down as Donald Trump spoke at the press conference for stunt on September 18. (Image credit: Donna Ward/PR Photos)

David Blaine upside down stunt has made some concern his health, because the reverse physiology of being inverted over a long period of time can produce increased blood pressure in the veins of the head, especially the eyes, thus may cause him the blindness.

In fact, David Blaine himself has acknowledged on Monday, his head already felt like it was "about to explode".

Nevertheless Blaine said he would use "sheer willpower" to complete the challenge - inspired in part by his hero, the legendary escapologist Harry Houdini, according to BBC.

God Bless David Blaine Upside Down Magic is going to finish at a perfect end!