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Ashley Alexandra Dupre Lawsuit: Eliot Spitzer callgirl Sued Joe Francis for $10 Million

eliot spitzer callgirl kristen Ashley Alexandra Dupre myspace picture

Ashley Alexandra Dupre, the high priced callgirl who led former New York Governor Eliot Spitzer to resign last month, sued Joe Francis, founder of the "Girls Gone Wild" series for 10 million U.S. dollars.

In a  lawsuit filed Monday in Miami federal court, Ashley Alexandra Dupre, best known as Kristin, accused Joe Francis of exploiting her image and name to advertise her GGW videos.

"But I think it's ironic that she charged Gov. Spitzer 2,000 dollars for sex and she wants to charge me 10 million for taking some naked pictures of her. I feel like I'm getting a raw deal." Joe Francis told of the lawsuit with the media.

Eliot Spitzer callgirl Ashley Alexandra Dupres MySpace profile picture Ashley Alexandra Dupre Girls Gone Wild Video picture