Ok, so it’s not really appropriate for your next house party, but we couldn’t ignore this amazing mobile sound system which projects sound an incredible 1km away. Appropriately titled ‘Hornmassive,’ the system is made up of a huge 2000-watt steel and aluminum horn. The whole thing weighs 2-ton, emitting an intense volume of sound that makes you feel as if you’ve slipped into an alternative aural universe. Music festival promoters take note.
HORNMASSIVE (2004) (Matt Hope) is a 2 Ton (4500 Lbs US), 3.5 M by 3.1 M by 4 M mobile 2000 watt steel and aluminuim horn sound system, all powered from a commercial 12” speaker driver. It functions as a mobile audio input station whereby people can plug-in in order to project "content" a distance of 1 km, designed to be the ultimate monophonic sound projector intended to catalyze social activities in multiple settings.